A perfectly aligned disciplinary formation of cypresses under a red sky and reflected by water in its lower part. Infrared photography allows changing colors giving a surreal look to any photo.

Unlock the surreal world of infrared photography

Infrared photography is a unique and fascinating approach to capturing the world around us. Unlike traditional photography, infrared photography involves capturing light that is not visible to the naked eye. This creates a surreal and dreamy effect that can be used to capture a wide range of subjects. From landscapes to architecture and even people, infrared photography provides a creative and artistic way to explore the world around us. To capture infrared images, specialized equipment and techniques are required. Most cameras need to be modified to capture infrared light, and specialized infrared filters are used to block visible light and … >>

Grayscale Photo of Person Wearing Black Pants Walking Across Posts.

Dramatic images: the astonishing interplay of light and shadow

The interplay between light and shadow can make or break a photograph. A well-placed shadow or a beam of light can turn an otherwise ordinary scene into something dramatic and visually stunning. In this article, we will explore the art of using light and shadow to create compelling photographs. We will cover 10 tips and techniques that will help you elevate your photography to the next level. 1. Understanding light Before we dive into using light and shadow to create dramatic photographs, it is important to understand the nature of light. Light travels in straight lines and illuminates everything in … >>